
DEANSUN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD is located in Taichung, Taiwan. We plan the most economical total solution, tailored exclusively to customer’s products.
DEANSUN specialize in injection molding manufacturing and accumulated the experience and technology over the years. All of our production and sales are for the domestic market and the majority of them are well-known manufacturers and coffee chains.
DEANSUN’s management team are very experienced in the manufacturing area especially for membrane injection molding technology "IMD" that can produce all kinds of customized molds within our customers' demands. In view of the market, "Total Solution" service patterns has become a long-term cooperation with our customers to achieve acceptance and offer better competitive conditions.
Excellent production technology and rich experience in planning to offer better design capabilities is our advantage. DEANSUN is the first choice of OEM / ODM products on the market.
Our value of "Dream Creator & Dream Maker" becomes an important requirement in our creed to provide better solutions to our customers and uphold the "international market, product diversification, manufacturing flexibility management, and partnership oriented" business philosophy and by doing this achieving more sustainable development goals to become a leader in this industry.

- 行銷國際化
- 產品多元化
- 生產彈性化
- 管理人性化
- 廠商夥伴化
- 誠信踏實、品質保證 Honest and practical, quality assurance.
- 追求卓越、止於至善 Strive for excellence; rivet to details.
- 變革創新、永續經營 Continuous innovation and development; sustainable management.
- 行銷國際化
- 追求極致 Excellence
- 積極進取 Aggressive
- 新求變 Innovative
- 反省思考 Ponder
- 彈性應變 Flexibility
- 守法守紀 Good discipline
- 年輕活力 Youthful

- 潔淨廠房
- 日本JSW專業射出機:350噸、220噸、180噸、140噸、
「Dream Creator& Dream Maker」作為自我期許與要求之信條,希能敏 銳掌握市場趨勢並適時提供客戶解決方案
鼎盛塑膠射出成型工廠 總經理Grace Chen